The interactive public calendar is for informational purposes only and is not the official docket of the court. Parties should continue to place primary reliance on official notice from the court and information available in the CM/ECF system via PACER.
The interactive public calendar displays 30 days of scheduled court hearings and 341 meetings for cases and adversary proceedings filed in the Northern District of Mississippi. The calendar allows users to:
- View court hearing calendars for all Judges or filter by Judge;
- View 341 calendars for all Trustees or filter by Trustee;
- Search hearing calendars and 341 calendars by Attorney, Debtor or Case Number;
- Download calendars for viewing or printing.
The calendar is automatically updated via data from CM/ECF in approximately 10-minute intervals. The transaction must be completed in CM/ECF and included in an interval update before the change is depicted on the calendar. As such, the information may not always be a true “real-time” depiction.
The interactive feature allows users to sort and customize the information available for viewing and printing by using search options at the top of each calendar.