The ChapMobile App provides quick and easy access to upcoming court hearings and 341 meetings on Apple and Android devices. With the ChapMobile App:
View calendars for all Judges or create a shortcut to your “favorite” Judge;
- Search by Attorney to view hearings and 341 meetings;
- Search hearing calendars by Debtor or Case Number;
- View 341 meetings by Trustee or search by Attorney, Debtor or Case Number;
- Save personalized “favorites” lists by Attorney, Debtor and Case Number for easy and convenient tracking;
- View court hearing locations and contact information.
Search for “chapmobile” to download and install this free calendar app from the Apple App Store or Google Play.
Additional Information
Calendar information via ChapMobile is for informational purposes only. Parties should continue to place primary reliance on official notice(s) from the Court and CM/ECF information via PACER.
The calendar information in the ChapMobile App is updated via data from CM/ECF in approximately 10-minute intervals. The transaction must be completed in CM/ECF and included in an interval update before the change is depicted in the app. As such, the information may not always be a true “real-time” depiction.
The ChapMobile App was developed by the U. S. Bankruptcy Court for the District of Utah and is designed to work with participating bankruptcy courts.