As you are aware, governmental and non-governmental organizations are taking measures to defend against the spread of COVID-19. The United States Bankruptcy Court for the Northern District of Mississippi continues to monitor the situation and formulate action plans, which are evolving with the situation. Our utmost concern is the safety of our employees and the attorneys, litigants, and other stakeholders. We are also mindful of the Court’s duty to ensure the “just, speedy, and inexpensive determination of every action and proceeding” to provide meaningful relief to all parties.
In accordance with the District Court’s Standing Order (In re: The Novel Coronavirus (COVID_19), 3:20-MC-9), the Bankruptcy Court is suspending all live docket calls and limiting public access to the courthouse. We are investigating telephonic docket calls, mindful of the difficulties that may result from the document-intensive nature of our proceedings should an evidentiary hearing become necessary. For good cause shown, the judges will consider in-person hearings.
The Clerk’s Office remains open at this time and will continue to process cases. Settlements may be reported as usual, and chambers staff will continue to process orders. Thank you for your patience and cooperation during this unprecedented event. Please be safe.