1. Click on the “Opinions” link provided on the Opinions page of the Mississippi-Northern website, this will take you to the United States Courts Opinions page of the GPO website.
2. Click on “Search Government Publications” in the left hand menu selections.
3. Click on “Advanced Search” located to the right of the search box.
4. Under “Available Collections”, scroll down to “United States Courts Opinions”, select it, then click on the “Add>>” button.
5. In the “Search in:” box, scroll down and select “Court Name”. In the right hand box (labeled “Select Value”), scroll down to United States Bankruptcy Court Northern District of Mississippi and select it.
6. Click on “Add more search criteria (5 max)” at the bottom of the page.
7. A new box will appear which defaults to “Full-Text of Publications and Metadata”. (NOTE: After completing this step, you can “Bookmark” or save the page in your “Favorites” and come straight to it next time you conduct a search).
8. In the empty box on the lower right side of the page, type your search request and click “Search”.