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Reporting Settlements and Requesting Continuances

The court’s procedures for reporting a settlement and requesting a continuance are described in detail below.  Please note that the deadline to report a settlement or request a continuance is before noon on the business day prior to the scheduled hearing.  Otherwise, the matter will be called for hearing in open court.


Parties may notify the court that a matter set for hearing has been settled by using the settlement call-in message system (hereafter referred to as the “settlement line”) for the appropriate judge.  To report a settlement before the deadline referenced above, please dial the judge’s settlement line number listed below:

Your message should be less than five minutes and include the following information:

  • Date of Hearing;
  • Case Name;
  • Case Number;
  • Judge’s calendar page if available;
  • Party responsible for submitting the order; and
  • Caller’s name and phone number.


Calls regarding settlements will not be returned unless additional information is needed.  Do not use the above settlement line numbers to request a continuance.  Instead, see the information below.


Parties may request that a matter set for hearing be continued to a later date by calling the chambers line for the appropriate judge.  Please note that if all parties do not agree to continue the matter, a motion must be filed by the requesting party.  To request a continuance before the deadline referenced above, dial the judge’s chambers line listed below:


NOTE:  To ensure information regarding settlements and continuances is reported accordingly, parties should never leave messages on the individual voice mailboxes of court personnel.